Defender Tokenomics
Token Name: Defender Bot
Symbol: DFNDR
Chain: ETH
Max Supply: 100.000.000 (100m)
Marketing & Promo Allocation: 5%
CEX Listings: 5%
Private Sale: 25%
Uniswap Liquidity Pool: 65%
Initial Liquidity: 2.5 ETH
Transaction Tax
A 5% transaction tax is designed to foster sustainability, value appreciation, and continuous improvement. The revenue-sharing model directly benefits existing holders, promoting a vibrant and engaged community.
Revenue Share - 2%
2% of all transactions will go into revenue (in the form of buyback and burn).
Development Fund - 1%
This fund ensures a steady pool of resources for ongoing enhancements, new features, and technological advancements. It is dedicated to keeping Defender Bot at the forefront of security and innovation.
Marketing - 2%
2% of each transaction supports marketing efforts, including strategic campaigns, partnerships, and community outreach initiatives. This fund aims to expand the adoption of Defender Bot and increase its visibility in the market.
Last updated